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The Log Home Materials You Need to Complete Routine Maintenance and Repairs

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If you have a log home, regular maintenance is important to prevent severe damage. The upkeep and repairs needed to log structures require special materials to get the work done. Therefore, you are going to need the proper materials for the maintenance and repairs of your log home. The following materials will make it easier to get the maintenance and repairs done:

Half Logs for Replacing Rotting Materials

The problem with log homes is that the timber materials are often left untreated and become vulnerable to problems with rot. When these problems go unnoticed, there may be large sections of logs that are damaged. These issues can be repaired by removing the rotted materials and replacing the face of the log. Therefore, you will need half logs to replace the faces of logs that have rotted and need extensive repairs.

Timber to Repair Window and Door Openings

In addition to the half log materials, there may be other areas that need repairs. These include the timber frames of window and door openings or structural elements in the interior of your log home. Often, these materials are larger timbers that aren't standard lumber dimensions. Therefore, you may need to get the timbers you need for these repairs from a log home materials supplier. If they don't have the timbers you need in stock, you can give them the dimensions, and they will be able to make them for you.

Modern Chinking Materials to Fill Gaps

Another issue that you may have to deal with when it comes to your log home is the chinking. If your home is an older or historic home, the chinking may be outdated materials that fall out as the logs change when they age. Therefore, you may need modern chinking materials designed to stop air leaks and protect the logs. In addition to the chinking materials, you may also need fillers to deal with cracks in the logs.

Treatments to Deal with Insects and Pests

Since the logs in homes are often untreated, this makes them vulnerable to issues with pests. Insects like bees and ants can cause severe damage to the logs. Therefore, you want to treat timbers with treatments formulated to keep the pests away. These treatments will help to keep insects and other pests away from the exposed wood, where they often cause damage. There are also chinking products and fillers that can be used for these problems when you are repairing damage caused by the pests.

When your home needs maintenance or repairs, you are going to need to have the right supplies. Contact a log home materials supplier to get what you need for the upkeep of your home.
